Hawkesbury Stores - A Community Owned Business

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU

We close at today

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How the shop is run

You will always be welcomed by a friendly face when you visit Hawkesbury Stores.

Our people

The shop is run day-to-day by a mix of experienced paid staff and enthusiastic volunteers. The manager is Kath Harkness, who has a wealth of experience of working in the shop . Our other staff work part-time and most volunteers choose to work in two-hour shifts that fit around their lifestyle, family and work commitments.

Find out about volunteering in-store.

An unpaid Management Group of local people oversees the operations and development of the Stores.

How we keep in touch

We welcome feedback and suggestions from customers, and our 300 shareholders are invited to contribute to timely strategic decisions at the Annual General Meeting.

You can keep up with all the latest here, on Facebook, in-store, in the parish magazine and by signing up to our newsletter.

The business

Hawkesbury Community Shop Limited was formed in March 2016 as a Community Benefit Society, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority, number 7296.

This means that we donate excess profits to the local community.

Countryside Alliance Awards - South West Village Shop Champion!
Our history

Our history

When our village shop was threatened with closure, Hawkesbury took action. In just a few months our community raised the money to buy the shop property and launch Hawkesbury Stores.

Read more

© 2016-2024 Hawkesbury Stores

Hawkesbury Community Shop Ltd is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society. Registration No. 7296.

Registered Office: Hawkesbury Stores, High Street, Hawkesbury Upton, Badminton, GL9 1AU.

Website by jonwallacedesign.com

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU