Hawkesbury Stores - A Community Owned Business

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU

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Management Group

The management and development of our community-owned business is undertaken by a team of local volunteers.

Members of the Management Group are elected by and from the shareholders at the AGM, held in September.

The following team make up the current Management Group:

  • Chris Couzins-Short, Chair
  • Pauline Dixon, Secretary
  • Emma Edwards, Treasurer
  • Mike Bendry
  • Susan Bennett
  • Sue Hope
  • Fiona Webb
  • Jane Jones

The Management Group is grateful to the many individuals in the parish who have supported Hawkesbury Stores by donating considerable time and expertise to setting up and running the business.

Volunteers have contributed in so many ways, including surveying and conveyancing, book keeping, shop design, branding, website development, volunteer coordination, HR, PR, event planning, decorating, DIY and horticulture.

More about the Management Group

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the management committee is meeting online

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the management committee is meeting online

Mike Bendry – is the HR manager. Mike’s background is in education. Until recently he has been Chair of Governors at Hawkesbury School. He is also Treasurer to St Mary’s PCC and the Friends of St Mary’s. He is a shareholder and has worked as a volunteer since the outset.

Susan Bennett – has thoroughly enjoyed being part of the management team.  Susan has been using her organisational skills to develop the shop’s procedures and practices to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulations and to help with general admin tasks.  She would like to continue being a member of the committee and help further the success of the shop.

Chris Couzins-Short – is the current Chair of the Committee and has been involved since the very start.  Chris is MD of a food & drink export company.

Pauline Dixon – is the current Company Secretary, a post she has held since joining the committee in 2016.  Pauline has previous retail experience from having started, developed and run Severn View Farm shop successfully for 18 years.

Emma Edwards – has been a member of the Management Committee and Treasurer since September 2016.  Emma is a Chartered Accountant, currently working as business change project accountant for Dyson. Previous experience includes working in food and retail markets in various finance positions.

Sue Hope – is well known in the village having been a local councillor for many years.  Sue is also a parish councillor and works with many other village organisations. She has been on the Committee since the very start and she instigated the registration of shop as a Community Asset which led to the development of the Community Shop.

Julian Round – is Premises and Health and Safety Manager. Julian is a retired IT Consultant who specialised in Risk Management and is the Treasurer for the Hawkesbury Horticultural Society. He has lived in the village for 27 years and has always been a good customer and keen advocate of our Community Store.

Fiona Webb – was co-opted to the Committee in July 2017 after taking on the role of Stores Volunteer Co-ordinator. Fiona worked in engineering before having her children but has since been involved in many village organisations and is currently Chair of the drama group.


Countryside Alliance Awards - South West Village Shop Champion!
Fewer food miles

Fewer food miles

We stock sausages from pigs bred less than a mile away, and our bread, cakes, eggs, and bottled beers are all produced in surrounding villages.

Read about our locally-produced ranges

© 2016-2024 Hawkesbury Stores

Hawkesbury Community Shop Ltd is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society. Registration No. 7296.

Registered Office: Hawkesbury Stores, High Street, Hawkesbury Upton, Badminton, GL9 1AU.

Website by jonwallacedesign.com

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU