Hawkesbury Stores - A Community Owned Business

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU

We close at today

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Volunteering at Hawkesbury Stores

As a community-owned business, we rely on the time and skills donated by local people. From manning the till to DIY, from window-cleaning to book-keeping, volunteers are at the heart of Hawkesbury Stores.


Volunteering in-store is fun and sociable. And for young people, or those looking for work, it is great to add to your CV.

Here’s what Hawkesbury Stores volunteers have said about their experience:

“For those few hours you really feel like you’re in the heart of the village, chatting and helping all-comers!”

I look forward to and enjoy my two hours in the shop. I’ve met lots of new people on both sides of the counter and now realise how important the shop is to so many people.” 

“I love the energy and fun that seems to pervade from customers and volunteers.”

Most of our volunteers help out in the Stores for two hours once or twice a week. We’re open every day of the week, so you’re sure to find a slot that fits in with your family, work and social commitments.

If you’d like to find out more about volunteering in Hawkesbury Stores, please contact info@hawkesbury-stores.co.uk or pop in and have a chat!

Countryside Alliance Awards - South West Village Shop Champion!
Bakes and cakes

Bakes and cakes

Treat yourself! We stock a wide range of delicious locally-made cakes, biscuits and traybakes and at the weekend we bake croissants and pains au chocolat in-store.

More about our products

© 2016-2024 Hawkesbury Stores

Hawkesbury Community Shop Ltd is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society. Registration No. 7296.

Registered Office: Hawkesbury Stores, High Street, Hawkesbury Upton, Badminton, GL9 1AU.

Website by jonwallacedesign.com

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU