To help our customers, volunteers, staff and shareholders informed about all the hard work and thought that goes on behind the scenes, we are now publishing a monthly summary of our Management Committee’s meetings. Here are the key points discussed at the January 2021 meeting.

  • Short-term contract available for researcher about future needs of shop – view details here
  • New or returning volunteers very welcome due to longstanding helpers stepping down during pandemic.
  • Alternative suppliers were being researched to resolve occasional stock shortages caused by suppliers’ problems due to pandemic and/or Brexit.
  • Grants are enabling significant improvements to the premises including new LED lighting, CCTV, double glazing for the front window and roof repairs.
  • Success of experimental bank holiday opening at Christmas means we’ll now open 8am-4pm on Good Friday and Easter Monday.
  • Celebrations of our fifth birthday in June are now being planned – suggestions welcome (please email Debbie Young)
  • Alan Hemingway will be Acting Chairman for about 3 months while Chris Couzins-Short takes a brief sabbatical.

The next committee meeting will take place on Tuesday 23rd February 2021 via Zoom.