We’re pleased to report that the main door from the High Street into the shop is now automatic! This is to make it easier for people who found the door tricky to open and close.

To enter, just place your hand on or wave near the touch pad on the door frame, on the right hand side of the door, about a metre up from the ground.

To leave: Place your hand on or wave near the touch pad situated on the wall to the left of the door, set back about a metre from the door, to allow opening.

Don’t worry if you forget about the automatic opener and use the handle instead – it won’t damage the mechanism.

Please be assured that no matter how quickly or slowly you enter or leave, the door won’t close on you – it will recognise you are in the way and will wait till you are safely through.


Please help us keep shop workers and other customers safe from infection by:

  • sanitise your hands with the hands-free dispenser outside the shop or with the pump dispenser on the shop counter
  • choosing to wear a face mask inside the shop
  • give space to other customers and shop workers


During the muddy, wet spring weather, please spare a thought for the staff and volunteers who have to clean the shop floors every day! If you arrive with muddy shoes, please take a moment to stop to clean them with the water and brush provided outside the door.


With Mothers’ Day coming up on 27th March, we are offering a pre-order service for flowers, as well as having fresh flowers available in-store every day, while stocks last.


We are always pleased to welcome new volunteers to our team. You’re welcome to shadow an existing volunteer to see what the role entails before you commit yourself! Just speak to Kath, the Shop Manager, or Fiona Webb, Volunteer Coordinator, to find out more.

Thanks to Stores volunteer Vicky Rispin for compiling the monthly report for the Hawkesbury Parish News.