Following the suggestion at the AGM that people may like to know more about what goes on at the Management Committee meetings, it was decided to share a summary of key points after each monthly meeting.

Here is the list of points from the Management Committee meeting held on 22nd September.

  • Change of membership: Sam Allen and Sally Anstey stepped down; Mike Bendry, Julian Round & Debbie Young were elected in. Pauline Dixon re-elected for another term. All officers agreed to remain in place.
  • Change of staff: Kate Day reduced her role, Nigel Brown left and Aimee-Jane Hacker joined as manager.
  • Sales: holding steady but gradually returning to pre-Covid levels.
  • Bank Holiday opening: trial run in August was successful another trial for Spring Bank Holiday will be discussed in January.
  • Five Year Plan: original business plan and five year plan to be reviewed in the new year.
  • Volunteers: some that stood down during lockdown are now returning but not all.
  • Online shop: retail team is leading continuing discussion about viability, including staff views.
  • Storage: the retail team is leading improvements to upstairs storage.