Hawkesbury Stores - A Community Owned Business

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU

We close at today

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A Message From Kate Day

As Kate Day stood down from her role as co-supervisor at the end of September, the Management Committee thanked her for her long service and presented her with a bouquet, […]

Upcoming events

Countryside Alliance Awards - South West Village Shop Champion!

© 2016-2024 Hawkesbury Stores

Hawkesbury Community Shop Ltd is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society. Registration No. 7296.

Registered Office: Hawkesbury Stores, High Street, Hawkesbury Upton, Badminton, GL9 1AU.

Website by jonwallacedesign.com

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU