As Kate Day stood down from her role as co-supervisor at the end of September, the Management Committee thanked her for her long service and presented her with a bouquet, a bottle of champagne, and a brand new Hawkesbury Stores apron to use at home! A collection is also being made in store among her grateful customers. In future, Kate will be working for the Stores just one day a week in an office-based role. She wrote the following farewell for the October issue of the Hawkesbury Parish News.

October is now upon us and with the change of season comes dark, colder evenings, falling leaves, and the smell of log fires burning, but this year there’s another change at Hawkesbury Stores. After 15 years at the shop, both as a Community Store and with the lovely Annie Weston, it is time for me to hang up my apron. This has been one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made, but, as with the season, it’s time for change. I’ve loved my time at the shop and will miss our lovely customers and volunteers very much, but, rest assured, I will still be popping in to do my shopping and have a chat.

I would also like to thank my co-supervisor Kath. Not only is she my work colleague, she is my sister-in-law and very good friend. We’ve had some great times and faced many new challenges together over the years, and I’m going to miss being part of the A Team.

Now it’s time to welcome a new member of the Hawkesbury Stores Team. Aimee-Jane Hacker joined on 14th September, so many of you will have already been introduced. I’d like to wish her every success and hope she enjoys working at the store as much as I have.

Happy shopping!

Kate x