With the second Covid-19 lockdown due to start on Thursday 5th November, the management committee, staff and volunteers of Hawkesbury Stores have been making plans to take care of the community we serve during this challenging time. (Click here to download a printable PDF of this  announcement.)

Your Well-stocked Shop

We are pleased to tell you that as we go into the second lockdown, we are in a very strong position. We gained a great deal of useful experience during the first lockdown, and we are now very well stocked, so you shouldn’t have any worries about supplies, especially if people order only what they need.

Visiting Your Shop During Lockdown

Shopping for essential groceries will be allowed throughout lockdown. The government hasn’t put any further constraints on permitted numbers of customers in shops, so we will continue to welcome up to five people at a time, with face coverings and sanitised hands.

To avoid the need to queue outside as the weather becomes colder and wetter, it’s best to avoid our busy times if you can:

  • the start and end of the primary school day
  • just after 3pm when the KLB bus returns to the village
  • Saturday mornings

We will be open at our usual hours:

  • 7am-7pm Monday-Saturday
  • 8am-1pm on Sundays

Increased Delivery Service

As you may know, since the end of the last lockdown, we have been making deliveries on Fridays only. From Friday 6th November, we will step up to three times per week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 5pm and 7pm. The minimum order value for free delivery is just £5.

How to Place Orders for Delivery

There are now three ways in which you may place an order for delivery.

  • *NEW* Online Shop
    Over the last few months, we have been trialling a new online shop similar to the online shopping services provided by supermarkets. The online shop allows you to browse our full product range, which makes it easier to choose your order. The online ordering service also makes it much easier for the staff and volunteers who pack your order, not least because it means they don’t have to ring it up through the till as they pack it. To access the online store, please visit this link: villagedoorstep.com/store/hawkesbury-stores/.
  • By Email
    If you are unable to use the online store, you are still welcome to place your order by email or by telephone. Please email orders to: retail@hawkesbury-stores.co.uk.
  • By Phone
    Please place telephone orders by calling 01454 238639.

We will continue to review the delivery programme and adjust it as necessary to keep things running smoothly for our customers. If you have any problems with your delivery, please let us know.

Click and Collect

If you prefer to collect your order from the shop this is also possible. You can place your order in any of the above ways. Order by 1pm and your goodies will be available for collection between 5-7pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

A Note About Christmas Orders

Please note that we are not yet taking Christmas orders. Our Christmas specials will not be available via the online shop. Instead, a little nearer the time, every household in the parish will receive a special Christmas order form through their letterbox, to be completed and returned to the shop by the deadline on the form. If you cannot collect your order in person at the appointed time, we can arrange to have it delivered.

Thank You

Finally, we would like to thank all the staff and volunteers who will be working hard to provide the services our community needs during the second lockdown – and to thank you, our customers for your continuing support. Together, we can do this!