Volunteers Week logoThis week is Volunteers Week – a time to say thank you to all those who give their time and skills freely to the benefit of others. So firstly, a HUGE thank you to all of those who volunteer on the shop floor and behind the scenes to make our community-owned village shop such a huge success.

But we always need more help! If you have any of the following skills or experience that you could bring to the team, we’d love to hear from you:

  • retail of any kind
  • human resources management
  • health and safety advice
  • financial management
  • facilities management
  • DIY, decorating and general maintenance
  • marketing and PR

Don’t worry – we’re not asking to you to give a huge amount of time or effort, or to do anything on a regular basis unless you want to.

You don’t need to join the committee or serve behind the counter (although we always welcome new committee members and in-store volunteers too). The odd hour now and again or the occasional phone call to ask your advice would also be really helpful.

If you would be willing for us to add you to our list of useful people to call on when we need you, please contact Pauline Dixon, Secretary, at membership@hawkesburystores.co.uk.

Remember, ask not what your community shop can do for you, but what you can do for your community shop! (With apologies to John F Kennedy!)