Hawkesbury Stores - A Community Owned Business

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU

We close at today

View our opening times

Hawkesbury Stores Needs Your Skills!

Do you have specialist knowledge, skills or experience in any of the following fields? Retail management Human resources management Health and safety Property maintenance and management Maybe your day job […]

Hawkesbury Stores Needs You!

This week is Volunteers Week – a time to say thank you to all those who give their time and skills freely to the benefit of others. So firstly, a HUGE […]

Volunteers Always Welcome (Back)!

This month we have been welcoming back some of our shielding volunteers, after what has seemed a very long four months. It is so nice to see our regulars back […]

Upcoming events

Countryside Alliance Awards - South West Village Shop Champion!

© 2016-2024 Hawkesbury Stores

Hawkesbury Community Shop Ltd is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society. Registration No. 7296.

Registered Office: Hawkesbury Stores, High Street, Hawkesbury Upton, Badminton, GL9 1AU.

Website by jonwallacedesign.com

Hawkesbury Stores

High Street,
Hawkesbury Upton,
Badminton, GL9 1AU